Some would say that a family is the most significant and meaningful part of your life whether its impacts are positive or negative. Picture this. You were born and the ones that raised you, the ones that taught you about the world we live in, how to speak, how to act, whether to trust on someone or not. It is indeed your family. A family doesn’t necessarily have to be by blood but that won't affect its importance. Your family will always comfort you, remind you of who you truly are, but especially prepare you for all the sufferings and cruelties that this world brings in our life. Your family grows roots every single day, roots of love, that come together to create a strong bond that is simply unbreakable. But yet again we are reminded that sometimes your family can negatively influence our life by making us remodel ourselves to fit in its customs. But remember to always trust. Trust in the family that God gave you, trust in God’s plans, and what he selected for your life that awaits you. And remember that these plans can be seen with more clarity through the family that God has given you. Everything God puts in your life has a lesson to teach and to begin that life you began with your family. The family you have is the foundation of your future life choices. Therefore never question the power of a family because it can either make you or destroy you.
The Power of a Family
Bruna Rice