The National Honor Society (NHS) induction ceremony was held this Thursday, September 21st, at EABHS's SAAGE patio. NHS is a prestigious club within school that selects those from grades 10th-12th who excel academically, demonstrate leadership skills, engage in their community, and display a positive character. Like every year, a ceremony was conducted to officialize new member's entry in the club.
The event started with Leonardo Botaro, the NHS advisor, thanking everyone for making this event possible: Gustavo and the tech team, Mr. Kerry, João, and the CRD.
NHS President Isa Taranto followed and congratulated the achievements of the newly inducted members, acknowledging their engaging leadership, mature character, effort, and initiatives that contributed to their selection to the club. She continued her speech wishing that all members keep striving for excellence and contributing to the community.
Next on the podium was Annie Santos, NHS historian, who highlighted the importance of the Scholarship pillar. She noted that, even though many people associate scholarship with academic integrity and a high cumulative grade point average (GPA), this principle also reflects determination, dedication, engagement to learning, and perseverance. Additionally, Annie pointed out that it can indicate one's academic growth, high standards, and the expansion of perspectives.
Following, NHS Vice-President Edward Mason spoke on the Leadership pillar. He discussed its significance as a cornerstone of mentorship and project contribution. Mason said that having leadership is a lifelong trail that blazes the path for others along the way. "Actions are not words", he claimed; therefore, leaders should be consistent with their actions and drive society forward. Finally, quoting Aberham Lincoln, he concluded his speech by saying that "the best way to predict the future is by creating it".
Laís Taranto, NHS secretary, was next and spoke about the Service pillar. Laís told a brief story about how going to service trips with the NHS helped her learn more about herself and create a sense of purpose. She claimed to have been fearful and lost at first, but when she saw the kids' faces light up when they were given presents, she also gleamed. "By helping others, we help ourselves", she asserted, and with that she gave the floor to Luiza Morais, NHS treasurer.
Luiza Morais presented the Character pillar, which she claimed to be the most overlooked yet most important aspect of the NHS. It is impossible to achieve the previous pillars without character. She stated that, "Leadership without character leads to corruption, scholarship without character leads to arrogance, and service without character leads to selfishness". To finish, Luiza asserted that she hopes everyone can maintain their perseverance, respect, integrity and honesty.
The new inductees were then asked to rise and utter the NHS pledge, agreeing to be true to its principles, being loyal to the school, and upholding the pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Now members, the inductees were called to the stage to sign their names and be given their certificates.
The ceremony concluded with the induction of ten members. With new minds and contributions to the National Honor Society, more projects will be created, many new institutions will be reached, numerous individuals will be cared for, and a bigger sense of school community will be built. NHS is not only a club, but an organization that is committed to the betterment of society; hopefully, its legacy will continue to span for generations to come.