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Last Day in TBSRJ MUN: EABH delegates successfully finish the conference

Writer's picture: Luiza RibeiroLuiza Ribeiro

The last day at the TBSRJ MUN conference took place this Friday, September 17th, and it is no surprise that our EABH delegates continued their remarkable participation in the discussions.

The topics in today's conference ranged from Vespasian's corruption as an emperor in the Roman Empire committee, to the military junta issue in Myanmar in the Security Council, and the communist threat in the Guatemalan Civil War in the Historical Security Council.

At the end of each committee session, a "superlatives form" was created to award the delegates.

In the Human Rights Council, Isabela Prata, together with Isa Taranto, represented the delegation of the United Kingdom. Isabela Prata won "Delegata" and "Best Dressed"; meanwhile, Isa Taranto won "Most likely to go to Harvard" (fitting, as she also won the Harvard Global Essay Competition, in which you can read here), "Most likely to go to the UN", and "Most likely to be a diplomat". Finally, both delegates won "Most likely to become President".

In the Security Council, Thuptim Appleton, who represented the delegation of China, won "Most likely to become a dictator" and, oddly enough, also won "Most likely to be a diplomat". She also won "Dele-ostra", meaning she was the funniest delegate in her committee.

In the Olympian Divine State, Isabella Zayerz, similarly to Ruby, won "Most likely to become a dictator" and "Most likely to be a diplomat".

In Margaret Thatcher's Parliament of the U.K, Giovanna Muzzi also won "Delegata", "Dele-ostra" (funniest delegate), and "Most likely to become a dictator".

In the Roman Empire Committee, Lucrezia Rima, who represented the elected emperor, Justinian I, won "Delegata", "Frenemies" (with Vespasian), and "Most likely to become UN president".

Once their committees came to an end, an interview was conducted with some delegates to know their thoughts on the conference and if they have any future wishes.

Vitor Szuster said, "it was my first conference and many things were new for me, but I still had an amazing experience. It was also great to see how other people share interest in solving world problems and, even though you can get nervous [during the conferences], you can see that other people feel the same way too. Overall, this was a great experience!"

Isabela Zayerz who, despite being the youngest, has been in five MUN conferences. She acknowledged how well the chairs conducted the discussion and how supportive they were for beginner delegates. Additionally, she appreciated how well the topic flowed, "the conversation was smooth and the debate was never stagnant. One thing I wish I could've done more, however, were the POI's (Point of Interest)".

Lastly, Isabela Prata, who has attended three MUN conferences, said, "I loved working with my co-delegate, Isa Taranto, and the opening ceremony was the best one so far! It was clear that all students from the leadership team were very engaged and participative in creating this conference. A wish I have is for EABH to collaborate with TBSRJ MUN more often and that I win an award". Whether or not Isabela won an award, will be revealed in the next Daily Hawk article.

Overall, the EABH delegates had an incredible experience at the TBSRJ MUN and gained tremendously from this experience. It was clear to see their growth throughout the debates and how well prepared they were in the discussion.

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