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Is Gkay Copying Kylie Jenner?

Ana Sylvia Hillig

Kylie Jenner is one of the most famous people in the world. She is a businesswoman, American media personality, has a reality television show, and her own cosmetic line. She's so influential, in fact, that she even inspires other influencers. Gkay, a digital influencer and Brazilian actress, posted a photo with traces resembling those of Kylie Jenner; other singers like Anitta, and actors like Fernanda Paes Leme, also note the similarities. If you are curious and want to know more about Gkay's new 'Kylie inspired' style, keep on reading..

All of this started when Gkay posted some photos almost mirroring Kylie Jenner. Some artists started commenting on this apparent resemblance. Anitta, for instance, jokingly commented, ''Hi Kylinha '' to Gkay, and Fernanda Paes Leme said, ''Just need to open a makeup brand - evidencing how Gkay's sudden style shift is making many people turn heads. Not only this, but some speculate that Gkay had cosmetic procedures to look more like Kylie.

In an interview Gkay made for the column of Monica Bergamo, she says '' I want to look like the influencer Kylie Jenner''. She then sent an audio to her stylist remarking ''Rihana is old. These divas are outdated. now the new generation of Divas are me, Luara, Deolane and Kylie ', she concludes, laughing. Rihanna fans were visibly upset and disappointed by her remarks, and asked Gkay to clarify what she meant by saying that Rihanna was old. The Brazilian digital influencer then said she was only joking. .

While Gkay attracted a lot of haters from her remarks against Rihanna, she was able to clear things up with fans. Some, however, still don't believe the apology was sincere. All in all, Gkay has garnered quite a lot of attention with her new look, style, and controversial statements. We can only wait to see how long her "Kylie inspired" aesthetic phase will last - if it is a phase at all. .

1 Comment

Michelle Trindade
Michelle Trindade
Nov 23, 2022

In the age of influencers, it mesmerizes me the power of some stars, including Kylie Jenner. As we are always looking up to them, I think it is pertinent to request from them a more livable lifestyle. For instance, I always wonder what they eat, how they talk to people in their privacy..... so I loved your choice because she did provide us insights of her famous life and how they cope with the daily life. Kudos!

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