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Early Hawk gets the Worm - EABH v. PASB Girls’ Basketball

Thuptim Appleton

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

EABH Hawks rose to play against the PASB girls early and came prepared, to say the least. Not after even a minute of the game, Lydia Pfile (13) had already scored two 2-pointers and Annie Santos had scored 1 (6x0). While EABH began with a clear advantage, there is room for improvement since their rebounds had not been ideal. PASB’s response to EABH's stellar performance was to get more aggressive, which resulted in numerous foul free throws for the Lady Hawks (12x0). Carolina Bonato (14) performed an amazing cross-over fake-out and shot a 2-pointer within the last minute of the first quarter -- finishing on the best possible note (16x0).

EABH continued to prosper during the second quarter, quickly making the placard read 18x0. St. Paul's was cheering for PASB in the sidelines, but their cheers were not enough to keep EABH from winning. A key reason for victory was Mafê Vallerini (7), whose nonstop defense was spectacular.

Mafê’s offense was also amazing; she scored a 2-pointer for the Hawks (20x0). At that point, the whole team swapped in, showing how comfortable EABH was with the game. The Hawks somehow came to a halt with scoring points: for a while, every shot they took bounced sadly outside of the basket. The third quarter concluded with EABH continuing to beat the Panthers, 20x0.

Unfortunately, the unlucky miss curse carried on into the final quarter. Julia Ribeiro (3), however, was able to break the curse with both a free throw and a 2-pointer (21x0). The crowd chanted Julia’s name, demonstrating their pride in her and the team. Ester Nascimento (15) scored the last 2-pointer of the game -- and just like that, it was over. EABH can proudly say that they beat the Cougars and kept their opponent's score at a full 0



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